However it's hard to look past the flaws in the game, where pace and over-the-top through balls rule all and the Gervinho, Doumbia and Ibarbo hyperlink strikes fear into the hearts of players. If FIFA 16 wants to prove itself as the best football game on the planet, Ultimate Team has to improve and there's a number of features and fixes for EA to Buy Fifa Coins consider.
Some might be considered common sense, while others might seem a bit controversial, but hey, what's the point in playing it safe? Jockeying has changed too, not mechanically, but in the way it behaves. In FIFA 15 if you jockey slightly left and your opponent goes right, there's instantly five yards of separation between you.
It's way too sensitive, and it's really easy to overshoot the position you were actually aiming for as the defender. That's all been smoothed out in FIFA 16 by allowing defenders to turn tighter per frame, meaning you can now position with greater accuracy, and react at Fifa 17 Coins more acute angles from jockey positions.